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Best Fabric For Nightwear For Every Season

I don’t have to explain the importance of a good night’s sleep, this is something you already know. I can help you with how to achieve a deep sleep daily and feel refreshed in the morning. Certainly, the right night-time outfit helps your body relax faster, making you fall into a deep sleep. 

You might have one favourite tee and pj’s for the bedroom but that’s not enough. Since India has diverse weather conditions you can’t stick to one type of nightwear across the year. The selection of nightwear should be according to the weather conditions. The fabric of nightwear determines the comfort in different seasons.

Best Nightwear Fabrics for Summers

The summer season starts in mid-April and ends towards the mid of October. During these 8 months, the weather doesn’t remain the same. Initially, it’s dry & warmer in April & May will hot winds making day time warmer. The fabrics which your lounging & night-time better are

What Fabric Would Be Perfect for Nightwear in Transition Weather? 

After August transition period starts and we gradually move towards colder days. Hence the same fabric might not work that well. However, you can still wear light, airy nightwear but wearing which is made for this season would be the best.

Best Nightwear Fabrics for Winters

November, December, January and February are winter months. Nightwear crafted with cotton flannel will do nicely in November & February, but when it’s way too cold in December & January you need something else.

Now that you know which fabric works well in which season, I am sure you will the perfect one for you. It’s time to pick amazing nightwear from Clovia.  

In India, women wear nighties from late spring to early autumn. Most of the time, the weather is hot and during the monsoon, it’s humid as well. Considering the terrible weather conditions, cotton is one of the best fabrics for nighties from April to October. Talking about the other nightwear styles, in summer cotton is on top priority for all of them.

When winter starts, we change our dressing style. Cotton will do in early winter too and maintain the body temperature accordingly. But when it’s harsh winter especially from late December to early February, fleece can be a better option to keep you warm & cosy.

Aparna Pal

A curious girl filled with emotions & passion, Aparna holds a master’s degree in computer application, but words & stories fascinate her more than codes. She is a keen learner & a great admirer of art & culture. Sketching is her get away from daily hustle & bustle.

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