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Quick breakfast recipes for a busy morning

They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day and we often tend to skip it. Here are a few quick recipes that can save you time.

Make a mixture of oats, milk, nuts and seeds in a jar and refrigerate overnight. In the morning, top it up with fresh cut fruits, berries and enjoy a healthy scrumptious breakfast.

Mash avocado and sprinkle oregano, chilli flakes, olive oil, salt and pepper, spread it on a multigrain bread and enjoy a quick protein packed breakfast.

Spread peanut butter on multigrain bread, top it up with maple syrup or honey and banana slices. This simple but effective recipe provides a perfect balance of carbohydrates and protein.

Make a quick healthy roti wrap consisting of omelet, tomatoes, cheese and sauces of your liking.

Ferzin Mehta

Hi there! I’m Ferzin, a social media enthusiast by day and a content binge-watcher by night.
I enjoy baking, chasing sunsets and spending time with furry pets in my leisure time
Got a series binge recommendation? I’m all ears!

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